Images and figures¶
This page
Bright images as figures with caption¶

Image with border and shadow and background color #ffffff¶

Image with border and shadow and background color #f8f8f8¶

Image with border and shadow and background color #eeeeee¶

Image with border and shadow and background color #dddddd¶

Image with border and shadow and background color #cccccc¶
Image float left¶
Typesetting is the composition of text by means of arranging physical
types[1] or the digital equivalents. Stored letters and other symbols
(called sorts in mechanical systems and glyphs in digital systems)
are retrieved and ordered according to a language's orthography for
visual display.
Floating cleared. Below the image. Typesetting is the composition of text by means of arranging physical types[1] or the digital equivalents. Stored letters and other symbols (called sorts in mechanical systems and glyphs in digital systems) are retrieved and ordered according to a language's orthography for visual display.
Typesetting is the composition of text by means of arranging physical
types[1] or the digital equivalents. Stored letters and other symbols
(called sorts in mechanical systems and glyphs in digital systems)
are retrieved and ordered according to a language's orthography for
visual display.
Floating cleared. Below the image. Typesetting is the composition of text by means of arranging physical types[1] or the digital equivalents. Stored letters and other symbols (called sorts in mechanical systems and glyphs in digital systems) are retrieved and ordered according to a language's orthography for visual display.
Figures of Series C¶

Here you see c1¶

Here you see c2¶

Here you see c3¶

Here you see c4¶

Here you see c5¶

Here you see c6¶

Here you see c7¶
Figures of Series C with border¶

Here you see c1¶

Here you see c2¶

Here you see c3¶

Here you see c4¶

Here you see c5¶

Here you see c6¶

Here you see c7¶
Figures of Series C with shadow¶

Here you see c1¶

Here you see c2¶

Here you see c3¶

Here you see c4¶

Here you see c5¶

Here you see c6¶

Here you see c7¶
Figures of Series D¶

Here you see d1. The caption may as well be very long. So, this is an example of a rather longy caption.¶