.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: ! confval .. _confval: ========================= confval ========================= .. contents:: This page :backlinks: top :class: compact-list :depth: 99 :local: Summary ======= `.. confval::` is the directive. `:confval:` is a text role to create a reference to the description. Examples: * A page where sphinx-doc.org uses the `:confval` directive: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html \• `rst-source `__ * See long list of automatic entries for "configuration value" in the index: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/genindex.html#C Demo 1 ====== Source: .. code-block:: rst .. confval:: mr_pommeroy :default: Happy new year, Sophie! :type: shy Participant of Miss Sophie's birthday party. Result: .. confval:: mr_pommeroy :default: Happy new year, Sophie! :type: shy Participant of Miss Sophie's birthday party. You can easily link to the description of a 'confval' by means of the `:confval:` text role. Example: Here is a link to :confval:`mr_pommeroy`. Demo 2 ====== .. highlight:: typoscript Adapted from the TypoScript Reference Manual: .. confval:: align :type: align :default: left :Possible: \left | \center \| right Decides about alignment. Example:: 10.align = right .. confval:: boolean :type: boolean :Possible: 1 | 0 1 means TRUE and 0 means FALSE. Everything else is `evaluated to one of these values by PHP`__: Non-empty strings (except `0` [zero]) are treated as TRUE, empty strings are evaluated to FALSE. __ http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php Examples:: dummy.enable = 0 # false, preferred notation dummy.enable = 1 # true, preferred notation dummy.enable = # false, because the value is empty .. confval:: case :type: case :Possible: ===================== ========================================================== Value Effect ===================== ========================================================== :ts:`upper` Convert all letters of the string to upper case :ts:`lower` Convert all letters of the string to lower case :ts:`capitalize` Uppercase the first character of each word in the string :ts:`ucfirst` Convert the first letter of the string to upper case :ts:`lcfirst` Convert the first letter of the string to lower case :ts:`uppercamelcase` Convert underscored `upper_camel_case` to `UpperCamelCase` :ts:`lowercamelcase` Convert underscored `lower_camel_case` to `lowerCamelCase` ===================== ========================================================== Do a case conversion. Example code:: 10 = TEXT 10.value = Hello world! 10.case = upper Result:: HELLO WORLD! .. _Demo 3 - addRecord: Demo 3 - addRecord ================== .. confval:: addRecord :type: array :Scope: fieldControl :Types: :ref:`group ` Control button to directly add a related record. Leaves the current view and opens a new form to add a new record. On 'Save and close', the record is directly selected as referenced element in the `type='group'` field. If multiple tables are :ref:`allowed `, the first table from the allowed list is selected, if no specific `table` option is given. .. note:: The add record control is disabled by default, enable it if needed. It is shown below the `edit popup` control if not changed by `below` or `after` settings.